Deliciously Vegan, Deliciously Gluten Free
By Michelle Berriedale-Johnson
Green pea and wasabi soup – celeriac mash with cavolo nero, garlic and smoked tofu – broccoli with red rice and water chestnuts – steamed fennel salad with radicchio – gluten-free vegan sponge layer cake – avocado and pineapple parfait, rich chocolate aubergine or eggplant mousse…
From breakfast to exotic desserts, Deliciously Vegan, Deliciously Gluten Free, includes over 100 fresh, original, healthy and totally delicious recipes to titillate the tastebuds of any gluten-avoiding vegan. With the focus on naturally high protein vegan ingredients, Michelle’s recipes explore exciting vegetable, nut, pulse, pasta and fruit combinations with easy-to-follow recipes.